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> UK > Scotland > Society and Culture > Politics > Parties > Liberal Democrats > MPs

This category contains 5 sites:

  • Archy Kirkwood MP - Member of Parliament for Roxburgh and Berwickshire and Chairman of the Social Security Select Committee.
  • Menzies Campbell MP - Member of Parliament for North East Fife, and UK front bench spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Europe.
  • Michael Moore MP - Member of Parliament for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale and Scottish Spokesperson on Health, Industry, Employment and Forestry.
  • Rt. Hon. Charles Kennedy MP - Member of Parliament for Ross, Skye and Inverness West and Leader of the Liberal Democrats. Site includes press releases, speeches, questions and answers at Prime Ministers Question Time, and a photo gallery of Kennedy campaigning with local parties roun
  • Sir Robert Smith MP - Member of Parlianent for Aberdeenshire West and Kincardine, and Scottish Spokesperson on Police, Prisons and Scottish Transport.



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> UK > Scotland > Society and Culture > Politics > Parties > Liberal Democrats > MPs : Category ID: 1416
This category on LimeySearch.co.uk:
> UK > Scotland > Society and Culture > Politics > Parties > Liberal Democrats > MPs

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