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> UK > Scotland > Society and Culture > Politics > Parties > Liberal Democrats > MSPs

This category contains 14 sites:

  • Donald Gorrie, MSP - Liberal Democrat Member of Scottish Parliament for Central Scotland.
  • Euan Robson, MSP - Liberal Democrat MSP for Roxburgh & Berwickshire, Deputy Minister for Parliament.
  • George Lyon MSP - Liberal Democrat MSP for Argyll & Bute.
  • Iain Smith, MSP - Liberal Democrat MSP for North East Fife.
  • Ian Jenkins, MSP - Liberal Democrat MSP for Tweeddale, Ettrick & Lauderdale.
  • Jamie Stone, MSP - Liberal Democrat MSP for Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross.
  • Jim Wallace, MSP - Member of the Scottish Parliament for Orkney; Deputy First Minister and Minister for Justice of Scotland, and Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats.
  • John Farquhar Munro, MSP - Liberal Democrat MSP for Ross, Skye & Inverness West.
  • Keith Raffan, MSP - Liberal Democrat MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife.
  • Margaret Smith, MSP - Liberal Democrat MSP for Edinburgh West.
  • Nicol Stephen, MSP - Deputy Minister for Education, Europe and External Affairs and Liberal Democrat MSP for Aberdeen South.
  • Robert Brown MSP - Details of Robert Brown, Liberal Democrat Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow, and his campaigns and activities.
  • Robert Brown MSP - Liberal Democrat MSP for the City of Glasgow Region.
  • Ross Finnie, MSP - Liberal Democrat MSP for West of Scotland Region and Minister of Rural Affairs.



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> UK > Scotland > Society and Culture > Politics > Parties > Liberal Democrats > MSPs : Category ID: 1417
This category on LimeySearch.co.uk:
> UK > Scotland > Society and Culture > Politics > Parties > Liberal Democrats > MSPs

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